Wednesday, May 22, 2019

First Few Days in Oaxaca!

We arrived at the airport in Oaxaca on Saturday afternoon at around 3:00pm and the first thing that I noticed was the sweltering afternoon sun. The heat wasn't that noticeable when we were inside of the airport terminal but as soon as we stepped outside, the sun was bearing down on us. Unlike the brisk Boston air that I was used to, this climate was much warmer and muggier.

But as we drove towards our new homes for the next two weeks, the intensity of the heat faded into the back of my mind as I took in the new views around me. The cities of the state of Oaxaca were small in size but were still bustling nonetheless. Colorful buildings greeted me and flowering plants alongside the road greeted me with their beautiful shades of pink and purple.

I got to meet my new host family which consisted of a woman, who owned a bakery, her son and her dog named Scrappy. Pictured below is her living room that is right next to my bedroom and the bathroom that me and my housemate are currently using.

The weekend was spent just getting used to our new environment and it definitely was a big culture shock for me. It's so hot here but there's no AC in most of the buildings and even in the vehicles so it's taking me some time to get used to it. The food has been pretty good here and the street food has looked amazing but we are definitely being wary of what to eat and from where since we don't want to get sick for the two weeks that we're here. My host mom has provided breakfast and lunch for us everyday and for dinner the group of MCPHS students go out all together and it's very fun. The weather in the morning and the evenings are beautiful and much more like what I'm used to and the views are amazing. I can't wait to see what else our rotations bring us and what else we will learn about the Oaxacan culture.

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